
Home Services Dredging

Our Dredging Services

Our expertise covers but not limited to dredging and marine services with special emphasis in Stockpiling, sweeping, reclamation, channelization and oil wells management. This division also handles research and consultancy on Environment Impact Assessment/Analysis for the oil Industry and government, at federal and state levels.

We have worked in the very difficult terrains of the Niger delta and also in Lagos.

We have state of art dredgers  to execute any form of dredging work, also earth moving equipment’s to support our dredging operation.

Our cutter-suction dredger’s (CSD) suction tube has a cutter head at the suction inlet, to loosen the earth and transport it to the suction mouth.

The cutter can also be used for hard surface materials like gravel or rock. The dredged soil is usually sucked up by a wear – resistant centrifugal pump and discharged through a pipe line or to a barge.

Our goal is to grow with you and help you succeed.

NDEDE & COMPANY NIG.LIMITED is in tune with your changing and growing business needs. We partner with leading company application manufacturers to bring you the most relevant turn-key tools to help you transform your dream

Our wide array of easy-to-deploy solutions means we can quickly get your supplies and services to attain your production goal, expand your market reach, increase sales, or improve your operation and cost efficiency no matter what size your company is.

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